With a SuperDisc filter, you get superior filtration performance for water, wastewater, and water re-use applications. The SuperDisc filter combines intelligent design and modern technology to give you clear advantages in filtration applications. The unique design features ensure efficient and reliable filtration day after day, year after year.
Product information
Intelligent design – efficient filtration
The SuperDisc filter, consisting of multiple filter discs constructed from modular demountable cassettes attached to a revolving inlet drum, maximises the filtration area in an industry leading compact footprint.
Available in two disc sizes, 1.9m or 2.4m diameter, providing up 197m2 net filter area per DynaDisc with up to 35 discs.
Woven filter media, with filter openings down to 10 microns, is bonded to the one-piece modular cassette ensuring optimum uniform media tension maximising filter media life and minimising the number of sealing joint interfaces.
A proven design providing you with high efficiency filtration and high flow rates within the minimum of space.
Filtration Applications
The versatile SuperDisc design is suitable for a variety of filtration applications such as:
waste water final effluent polishing (tertiary filtration)
waste water primary filtration
pre-treatment for MBR processes
intake and raw water filtration
algae removal
recycle and reuse water filtration
filtration of water for industrial process plants
pre-filtration before the sand filters
pre-treatment & protection filtration for membrane plants
water treatment in the paper and pulp
water treatment in fish farming (aquaculture)
How the SuperDisc works
The water to be filtered flows via the inlet channel into the rotor drum and then flows by gravity into the filter disc segments through openings in the drum, and passes through the filter media. Suspended solids are separated and accumulated on the inside of the filter cloth.
When the water level inside the filter rotor increases to a pre-set point, the filter rotor starts rotating and the backwash of the filter media starts. The high pressure backwash spray removes the accumulated suspended solids into the reject backwash trough inside the filter. The suspended solids are then discharged via the reject pipe. The discs are submerged to approximately 65 % and the water level of the filtrate is maintained by a level tank.
Advantages of the SuperDisc
Patented filter cassette:
Industry leading fewer parts per disc– the SuperDisc has 8 or 10 cassettes per disc for quick replacement and less weight.
Filter cloth fastened directly to the cassette body
reduces the seal length to a minimum.
Low weight
allows you to install up to 35 x 2.4 m diameter discs in one DynaDisc unit, providing you with up to 197 m2 effective filter area.
Strong cassette body
allows high tension on the filter media, prolonging its service life.
sizing and loading rates based on effective filter area (actual area) rather than theoretical.
The unique level tank:
Integrated level tank maximises the filtrate outlet weir length optimises headloss across the filter media and reduces surge flow at different influent flowrates.
The filtrate in the level tank is used for the backwash, reduces the risk of biological flocks and blockage from external debris compared to when the backwash water is drawn from a much larger concrete tank.
The waste chemical solution from cleaning the filter media is contained within the level tank, providing a more efficient chemical cleaning procedure.
Compact overflow and bypass design:
internal and external bypass options
space saving modular bypass weir design for maximum flow in the minimum of space.
Optimised backwash system:
protected backwash pump inlet
oscillating backwash nozzles minimises water and power use
Two versions – one method
The SuperDisc as available as a freestanding unit with the filter discs contained within a stainless steel tank or as a frame version for installation in concrete basins. No matter which one you choose, you get the same industry leading intelligent design.
Installed worldwide
SuperDiscs are providing users with compact, efficient and reliable filtration across six of the seven continents of the world, speak to the disc filter experts at Nordic Water and see how you can realise the benefits of using the DynaDisc.

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